Friday, October 26, 2007

Is Jean Godden Breaking the Law in Her Bid for Seattle City Council?

This election season has been a real roller coaster. From Tim Burgess and David Della fighting it out in the papers, to Venus Velasquez and Jane Hague having their personal driving records smeared all over the news, we've seen more than a few headlines about people's personal lives crop up almost weekly. Even Richard McIver is in on the action, er... so to speak.

Personally, I think that people's personal lives are mostly their own business. Because to me it's what a person does in his or her professional life that really counts, especially when they are seeking political office. Now of course, driving under the influence when you are leaving a campaign event or while on the campaign trail clearly blurs the lines. And not taking clear accountability for one's actions also speaks volumes. But to me what one does in office is of paramount importance.

And just what has Jean Godden been doing in office? Well clearly her own calendar shows that she's been violating the law.

Over at The Paper Noose Blog, they've posted quite an interesting series of articles on Jean Godden's questionable ethics. But as the author points out, it is really up to the people of Seattle to decide whether or not Jean's ethics are "Black and White" as she has claimed in campaign fliers in the past.

So to that end I've obtained a copy of the complaint and scanned it for your perusal here:

Jean's Calendar Part 1
Jean's Calendar Part 2
Jean's Calendar Part 3

And since those are kinda lengthy reads, I'll post quick highlights of events and coordinating activities that appear on her Official City Calendar below. Pay particular attention to February 7th where she actually blows off a city council finance and budget meeting to attend a campaign event, as well as the amount of coordination that appears between her and Carlo Davis her campaign manager, to the point of even posting his cell number. Also, just what official city purpose could there possibly be for keeping track of where Cathy Allen is? I mean really...
1/23 Mckenna (fundraiser) knows you may be a few minutes late

1/25 Oyster shuck and baby kissing

2/1 Marty Yellam will attend this event-per campaign

2/7 McIvars office and Drago’s office have been notified that jean is unable to attend budget meeting

2/8 Mckenna ill(fundraiser)

2/16 Thank donor

2/16 Cathy Allen leaving for Lummi

2/22 need to make up four hours with Mckenna-(fundraiser) fundraising calls

2/24 Gian Carlo (campaign manager) will meet you at amandas, and I told him to bring cards

2/24 Nickels BBQ-per campaign-they have envelope to make donation

2/26 Rosanne is contact person-per campaign

2/27 Mckenna(fundraiser) will meet you on the 61st floor of the Columbia tower

2/27 Talk to Carlo(campaign manager) about evening events-Marianas? RVD?
Talk to Mckenna(fundraiser) about april(staffer)

2/28 Gian carlo (campaign manager) will accompany you. I made donation of $40 on their website (campaign event coordinated by scheduler)

3/7 Cathys place (political advisor)

3/13 Amanda says it only takes half an hour(Amanda is hair dresser)

3/15 Call Mckenna (fundraiser) to cancel march 22nd if appropriate

3/29 Schedule with Amanda (hair dresser)for april 4th a.m.

4/3 It’s an hour and a half only Mckenna

4/9 six and a half hour behind on phone calling (Fundraising)

4/10 Carlo (campaign manager)is not going

4/16 8 1/2 hours behind with calling (Fundraising)

4/16 Mckenna gone this week Colby will call with Jean (Colby underwood is
Mckenna hartmens boss)

4/18 Amandas as early as you can (hair dresser)

4/19 with Colby

4/23 Phone bank

4/25 Campaign event
Mckenna says its 5:30-7:30 at the palace ballroom

5/3 Carlo will come at 9:30 (a.m.)and drive
11:15 a.m. COPE interview-if possible they would like the questionnaire back ahead of time-they are going to email it (campaign event coordinated by scheduler)

5/4 only 6 1/2 hours behind in calling time ,cancelled april 12th (fundraising)

5/11 Carlos RSVP’d

5/12 Carlos gone through may21st

5/14 contact carlo

5/17 Candidates forum- notes: contact gary poulet
Format: all city council,port and school board considered. 2min statement followed by Q and A with brief answers of yes or no answers. (godden staff took this call for the campaign)

5/21 36th dist dems endorsment meeting- notes; format 2min opening comments followed by Q and A for 25 min. (godden staff took this call for the campaign)

5/22 Carlo will drive/Carlo has returned

5/30 Campaign event- notes; opening statement, two questions, closing statement,rapid fire rounds

5/30 more details to come from carlo

6/2 Carlo will be there

6/6 WCV Interview-note Questionnaire submitted

6/7 RHA PAC Interview-Note; fill out,e-mail back questionnaire

6/7 Tell carlo if Jean goes to bike thing

(godden staff took this call for the campaign)

6/20 each candidate will have about two minutes to speak and the time to answer questions

6/26 speak and be considered for endorsement

7/12 Carlo will appear

7/13 Carlo will meet you there
Cathy will meet you at your house and you will drive together to lummi

7/18 pick up carlo at 5:50 at usual parking space

7/31 Carlo will come to office
endorsement interview-questionnaire already filled out- friends of seattle contact person sean sean@sean howell .com 206-372-5979


8/10 festive bites, wine,entertainment carlos’s dad
rsvp’d yes (this is a campaign related event set up by staff)

8/15 campaign event- Notes; $25 suggested donation contact number:206-632-5100—carlo will contact, parking suggestions on invitation

8/16 carlos coming
campaign event-notes Contact Margret Irvine, Informal BBQ 2min speech

8/23 stop by with carlo

Now all of this information is public record, so it's not like Joe Szwaja's campaign had to go out and hire a private investigator to dig into Jean's background. In fact if you look at her calendar most of the entries appear with a notation that says "per campaign request". Um.... that's about as clear of a violation of the law as one could possibly ever hope to find. But hey, with Mr. Carlo "I post under multiple identies all from the same IP address" Davis running her campaign, I can't imagine what else they carelessly have been up to?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Press conference? The week is now.